Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Lesson 5- Proquest Research and Discovery Library

I began by clicking Full Text Only. In my searching I did not find any options to create an alert.
I did a basic search of something of interest. I started typing in Kissing the Blarney Stone. I got a drop down list with the whole phrase, which I selected. There are 41 results from newspapers, trade journals and magazines. There was a box with related searches. None of the items in the box appeared to be related to anything that I was looking for. I read a nice magazine article about kissing the Blarney Stone from Hispanic Magazine. There were a couple articles about an Irish Bar in Yongkang Lu. Words in the search were highlighted in the articles

I read a few blogs by other E Challenge participants. I like the pink wall paper on Alice from Wilmot's Blog and the fact that she will be able to use the lesson to help her students. Meade School District used a very small font. Librarian Lil looked up an armadillo in Lesson 4. Why didn't I think of that?!

I must say that the photo of Leonardo DiCaprio in the Arts, Film and Music Subject box was rather distracting. I'd like to look up some articles on him. This is why it takes me forevvvver to get my lessons done. Ha.

When I clicked the Publications tab at the top of the page, I learned that Proquest has 5073 publications from December 12, 2009 to the present. I typed Eagles in the search box. Zero publications. Then I looked at the assignment again, type a profession- ok. Falconer and Bird breeder both got me zero results. Thinking about the summer deck construction project at my house, I typed construction worker. Then I noticed the second box on this line. I went back to eagle and one at a time selected In subject, In title, Title begins, with zero, zilch results. Fear not!  I selected In publication summary. Bingo! 3 hits, one each from a newspaper, a scholarly journal and a magazine. However none were about a profession dealing with eagles.

Did I mention that I am easily distracted?

I figured that I should try this with a profession, as our lesson requested. I checked Orthodontist-nothing. I was able to get 2 articles when searching Librarian. This looks like a good place to stop.


  1. Hi, Lynda, yes, it is very easy to get distracted with all the pictures and interesting articles! You find the "create alert" after you have done a search. It is on the same toolbar as the number of results. You did find some good results, in any case. In the publications tab searching, you need to think of TITLES of publications, so a keyword search here does not work well. I think a search term "library" will give you more results. Please note that the results here are not articles, but are actual journals, which you can read cover to cover when you click into an issue. Hope that helps! Thanks for your work here!

  2. Hi, Lynda, I agree that it is easy to get distracted but great information. I found the "create alert". It is funny that you were the first blog I choose to check out and I see you have seen my blog. I haven't been on a schedule to get my lessons done as you can tell. We have a work day at our school today so doing some catching up. Everything I have done so far is very interesting.
